Letter from the editor-in-chief

Letter from the editor – Issue 13

There has always been advocacy in journalism. I think about it this way: A resident in a city reports that a streetlight is out on their block, and for safety reasons, they want it fixed. They reach out to the appropriate city agencies, who ignore their request. They reach out to their council person, who…

In this issue

What is Ivan Bates Doing?

Karsonya Wise Whitehead, the radio show host and academic who presided over Baltimore City State’s Attorney Ivan Bates’ swearing ceremony on January 3, began the proceedings with a reference to “On the Pulse of Morning.” The poem was written and recited by Maya Angelou on the occasion of Bill Clinton’s swearing-in as president of the United States…

Eddie Conway (1946-2023)

Marshall “Eddie” Conway joined the ancestors on February 13, 2023, surrounded by family and loved ones. After falling ill nearly a year ago, while still dealing with the immeasurable toll nearly 44 years of incarceration as a political prisoner took on his body, Eddie had been hospitalized and fighting valiantly to…

Photostory: Photos from Wide Angle Youth Media

Baltimore Beat is publishing photos from participants in Wide Angle Youth Media, which offers media arts education and amplifies the voices of Baltimore youth. These images are from workshops held at KIPP: Baltimore. All photos courtesy of Wide Angle Youth Media.

Community Resources

This Baltimore Beat section aims to help the community with resources and support they may not know are available. We ask people to share this information with anyone they know who could find it helpful. Baltimore Beat would like its readers to know that you will find…

500 Weeks

On July 18, 2013, Tyrone West left his sister’s house, borrowing her car. He planned to give a friend a…

“High Flying Bird” director Steven Soderbergh films a scene (using an iPhone) featuring actors Bill Duke and André Holland. Courtesy of Netflix.

“High Flying Bird” is one of the best Netflix films you’re not watching.

In 2019, filmmaker Steven Soderbergh helped sell an independently financed new feature to Netflix for the first time. The brainchild of producer/star Andre Holland, “Moonlight” scribe Tarrell Alvin McCraney and Soderbergh himself, “High Flying Bird” is a lean, razor-sharp experiment centered around a theoretical NBA lockout. The film examines what that industry-wide crisis might look…

Iya Osundara Ogunsina. Photo by Schaun Champion.

March Tarotscopes

Air Signs – Aquarius, Gemini, Libra The Empress rx + Page of Cups + Two of Cups Air signs, are you spending too much time pouring into others and not pouring enough into yourself? If you’ve been feeling fatigued, it could be because your cup is empty. Keep this up, and you’ll grow resentful toward…


The clouds have told me why. When I look up I don’t need to fly.  For heaven is above my eyes. All around at every time. The sacred firmament is what surrounds. Whenever I see beauty I am astounded. Then I realized I’m still grounded. Baltimore Beat is running poems from participants in the group…

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