Letter from the editor-in-chief

Letter from the editor – Issue 26

After an arduous journey full of political scandal and a series of would-be headliners, Artscape is finally here. I want to sidestep all that controversy, though, and say this: Baltimore artists deserve everything. Artists show us who we are — for better and for worse. They bring us joy, and they help us dream. When…

In this issue

Made in Baltimore

André De Shields, 77, is striking. He has brown skin, chiseled cheekbones, and a perfectly sculpted afro streaked with white, gray, and black. In his Broadway performance of “Death of a Salesman,” which completed a limited run on January 15, he skulked, crept, and glided across the stage as the character of Ben Loman. I can’t imagine…

Photostory: Group Light Paintings 

This photostory features photos taken at workshops held at Village Learning Place, an independent non-profit library in Baltimore City. Wide Angle Youth Media is an organization that offers media arts education and amplifies the voices of Baltimore youth. Baltimore Beat is proud to feature these students’ artworks.  The students worked in…

Book Review: “Pomegranate”

September is National Recovery Month, when harm reductionists, health departments, organizers, and everyone in between host programming dedicated to sharing stories, life-saving information, and other substance use and recovery knowledge.  In anticipation of this year’s National Recovery Month, I took time to read Helen Elaine Lee’s latest…

Michael Jai White as Johnny Black in “Outlaw Johnny Black” (2023).

‘Outlaw Johnny Black’ is not what it seems

In 2009, Michael Jai White starred in “Black Dynamite,” a pitch-perfect parody of the 1970s Blaxploitation genre. It was something of a passion project, with White sharing screenplay credits with co-writer Byron Minns and director Scott Sanders. Across its brisk 84-minute runtime, “Black Dynamite” synthesized sharp comedy and thrilling action with hyper-specificity and rich, fourth-wall-breaking…

Iya Osundara Ogunsina

October Tarotscopes

Air Signs – Aquarius, Gemini, Libra Four of Swords + The Chariot rx + The Emperor  Air signs, you are strongly encouraged to get a handle on your affairs in October. It’s time to create order out of chaos. For many of you, this is related to your professional life. It’s no surprise that you’ve…


I’m unchained from this pain like a man finding the fame I’m unchained from this anger like a tiger that cannot be tamed I’m unchained from my sin like an angel flying away I’m unchained from distractions like a big brain I’m unchained because I am the man that’s here today

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